Sorry I’m a Slacker – August BBQ

WOW, how it really been that long since I posted? My bad… Ok, so the next few days I will bring you up to speed.

First off – we are headed to Sand Hollow Reservoir near St George for our annual Treasure Hunt/BBQ. We will be there August 29 at 11am. The water is warm (82*), the vis is good (20Feet) and there is plenty to see (fish, VW bus and small plane). Join us for a great day of diving.

ImageNovember trip: Egypt – We are headed to Egypt and the Red Sea for a week of sight seeing then a week long live-aboard. This is truly a once in a lifetime trip. We fly into Cairo and spend a day getting adjusted before flying farther south and boarding a 4 day Nile Cruise. We will float up the Nile with stops at ruins along the way. We get back to Cairo and spend a few days exploring museums, pyramids and sphinxes before heading to the coast to board our live-aboard. We spend 6 days out on the Red Sea with great fish life, soft corals and wrecks.

And lastly, I thought this was a funny picture.