Fun Dive and Stimulus Plan

The weather is starting to warm up again and just in time. We are headed to Blue Lake next Saturday for our Specialty of the Month dive. The weather should be great. Give us a call to tell us you will be there. It will be the perfect time to jump into an Advanced, Rescue...

More News from Roatan

So it a windy afternoon which means no diving, perfect time to catch up. Wreck dive was great, fun to explore the wreck from the bottom up. We started in the engine room and came up through 4 floors to the top of the wheelhouse. 110 feet at the bottom, perfect dive for 31% nitrox!...

Hello from Roatan

WOW, we are in Roatan at our favorite resort in the world, Anthony's Key. It is HOT, like Africa hot outside. We started diving today; 2 sites right off the resort. Saw a big free swimming eel as soon as we got in the water to start off the day and a bunch of turtles...